Faculty Bibliography

Armin Baier, L.C.S.W., J.D.

  • (2022) What My Client Taught Me About Dialogic Presence: A Case Study of Client and Therapist in Relational Gestalt Therapy in The Relational Heart of Gestalt Therapy, Contemporary Perspectives, Edited by Peter Cole, Routledge, London, UK and New York, NY.
  • (2014) Co-author with Coons, E.E., and Ockert, D.M. “Chapter 5. Assessment and Treatment of Individuals Dependent on Stimulants.” in: Clinical Work with Substance Abusing Clients, Third Edition, Edited by Shulamith Lala Ashenberg Straussner, New York, N.Y.: Guilford Publications
  • (2013) Co-author with Rose, S., Zweben, A., Ockert, D. “Interface Between Substance Abuse Treatment and Other Health and Social Systems,” in B. McCrady & E. Epstein, (Eds.), Addictions: A Comprehensive Guidebook for Practitioners, (2nd Edition,) New York, N.Y.: Guilford Press.
  • (2011) Co-author with Ockert, D.M.; Volpicelli, J.R.; Coons, E.E.; Fingesten, A. A Nonopioid Procedure for Outpatient Opioid Detoxification, Journal of Addiction Medicine, 5(2):110-114.

Lynne Jacobs, Ph.D.

  • (In Press). Relationality and Relational Process in Gestalt Therapy, Gestalt Therapy Handbook, 2nd edition.
  • (2017). Hopes, Fears and Enduring Relational Themes, British Gestalt Journal, 26 (1), pp. 7-16.
  • (2003). Ethics of Context and Field: The Practices of Care, Inclusion and Openness to Dialogue, British Gestalt Journal, 12(2), pp. 13-27.
  • (2002). It’s Not Easy to be a Field Theorist, GESTALT! online journal, 6(2).
  • (2000). Respectful Dialogues (Interviewed by Jenny Mackewn), British Gestalt Journal, 9(2), pp. 105-116.
  • (2000). Pathways to a Relational Worldview. In How Therapists Change, Goldfried, M., ed. APA pub.
  • (2000). For Whites Only, British Gestalt Journal, 12(4).
  • (Unpublished) Longings for the Therapist-as-Subject: Mutual Affective Influence in the Emergence and Resolution of a Suicidal Crisis
  • (1998). Optimal Responsiveness and Subject-Subject Relating, In H. Bacal (Ed.), Optimal Responsiveness: How Therapists Heal Their Patients, Jason Aronson Pub.
  • (1996). Shame in the Therapeutic Dialogue. In R. Lee and G. Wheeler (Eds.), The Voice of Shame, NY: Jossey Bass.
  • (1996). Co-author with Hycner, R., The Healing Relationship in Gestalt Therapy: A Dialogic-Self Psychological Approach. Gestalt Journal Press: Highland, NY.
  • (1992). Insights from Self Psychology and Intersubjectivity Theory for Gestalt Therapists, Gestalt Journal, 15(2).
  • (1989). Dialogue in Gestalt Theory and Therapy, Gestalt Journal, 12(1).

Jan Ruckert, Ed.D.

  • (2002). Commentary on article by Nancy Amendt-Lyon, “Art and Creativity in Gestalt Therapy”, Gestalt Review, 5(4).
  • (1990). Are You My Dog?: How to Find Your Best Friend. 10 Speed Press: Berkeley, CA.
  • (1987). Four-Footed Therapist: How Your Pet Can Help You Solve Your Problems. 10 Speed Press: Berkeley, CA.

Friedemann Schulz, M.F.T.

  • (2018). Gestalt Couples Therapy, The British Gestalt Journal, v. 27, no. 1.
  • (2016). Co-author with Yontef, G., Dialogue and Experiment, The British Gestalt Journal, v. 25, no. 1.
  • (2013). Roots and Shoots of Gestalt Therapy Field Theory: Historical and Theoretical Developments, Gestalt Journal of Australia and New Zealand, v. 10, no. 1, pp. 24-47.

Gary Yontef, Ph.D., A.B.P.P.

  • (2016). Co-author with Schulz, F., Dialogic Relationship and Experiment, Creative Techniques. British Gestalt Journal. v. 25, no 1. pp. 9-21.
  • (2015). Considering Anger and Aggression: Response to Skovgaard and Winther-Jensen. Gestalt Review, 19, pp. 220-223.
  • (2012). The Four Relationships of Gestalt Therapy Couples Work. In Bar-Joseph Levine, T. (Ed). Gestalt Therapy: Advances in Theory & Practice. London: Routledge. Pp 123-135
  • (2010). Person and Process. (Commentary II: Prologue from the Radical Center: The Heart of Gestalt Therapy, Erving and Miriam Polster). Gestalt Review, 14, 1. pp. 29-36.
  • (2010). Yontef, G. and Jacobs. Gestalt Therapy. In Corsini, R. and Wedding, D. (Eds.). Current Psychotherapies, 9th Edition, Chapter 10. Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole-Thompson Learning. Pp 342-382.
  • (2009). Yontef, G., Fulton, P., Posner, M., & Waldenfels, B. Attention, Awareness, & Mindfulness in Psychotherapy: A Dialog. Studies in Gestalt Therapy: Dialogical Bridges. 3, 2, pp 13-34.
  • (2009). A Potpourri of Theory Tasks. Studies in Gestalt Therapy: Dialogical Bridges, 3,1, pp 101-109.
  • (2009). The Relational Attitude in Gestalt Theory and Practice. In Jacobs, L. and Hycner, R, (Eds), Relational Approaches in Gestalt Therapy. New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. Pp 37-59.
  • Gestalt Therapy principles in Couples Work. In Bar-Joseph, T. (Ed). From Here and Now to the Future – Advancing Gestalt Theory & Practice. London: Routledge.
  • (2008). Yontef, G. & Philippson, P. Unified Practice. Chapter 12. In P. Brownell, (Ed.), Handbook for Theory, Research, and Practice in Gestalt Therapy. UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. pp 257-277.
  • (2008). Yontef, G. & Bar Yoseph, T. Dialogic Relationship. Chapter 9. In P. Brownell, (Ed.), Handbook for Theory, Research, and Practice in Gestalt Therapy. UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. pp 184-197.
  • (2008). Yontef, G. & Jacobs, J. Gestalt Therapy. In Corsini, R., and Wedding, D. (Eds.). Current Psychotherapies, 8th Edition, Chapter 10. Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole-Thompson Learning. pp 328-367.
  • (2008). Yontef, G. & Fairfield, M., “Gestalt Therapy”. Chapter 7. In Jordan, K. B. (Ed.), The Quick Theory Reference Guide: A Resource for Expert and Novice Mental Health Professionals. pp 83-106.
  • (2008). Korean version of Awareness, Dialogue and Process: Essays in Gestalt Therapy. South Korea: Hakjisa Publisher.
  • (2007). The power of the immediate moment in gestalt therapy. Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy, 37(1), Special Issue: “Contributions of Humanistic Psychotherapies to the Field of Psychotherapy.” pp 17–23.
  • (2007). Hellinger and Gestalt Therapy. British Gestalt Journal, 16, 1, p, 58.
  • (2005). Change in Gestalt Therapy Theory. In Wold, A. and Toman, S. (Eds.). Gestalt Therapy: History, Theory and Practice. Thousand Oaks, CA.:Sage. pp. 81-100.
  • (2005).Yontef, G. & Jacobs, L. Gestalt Therapy. In Corsini, R. and Wedding, D. (Eds.). Current Psychotherapies, 7th Edition, Chapter 10, pp. 299-336. Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole – Thompson Learning.
  • (2004). The Phenomenal Field, Merleau-Ponty, ‘perception,’ and ‘awareness’: A response to Des Kennedy. British Gestalt Journal, V. 13, N. 1, pp . 44-46.
  • (2003). Votsmeier-Röhr, A., Yontef, G. and Mosoff, J. “Bracketing” in Phenomenological Exploration. In Column&Forum, Gestaltpsychotherapie.de.
  • (2002). The relational attitude in gestalt therapy theory and practice. International Gestalt Journal, XXV, No. 1, 15—36.
  • (2001). Relational Gestalt Therapy: What it is, and what it is not. Why the adjective ‘relational’? In Robine, J. (Ed.). Contact and Relationship in a Field Perspective, pp 79-94. Bordeaux, France: L’exprimerie.
  • (2001). Psychotherapy of Schizoid Process. Transactional Analysis Journal, V.31, No.1, 7-23.
  • (2000). Why ‘Relational Gestalt Therapy’? Gestaltpsychotherapie.de, December 2000.
  • (2000). Yontef, G. & Jacobs, L. Gestalt Therapy. In Corsini, R. and Wedding, D. (Eds.). Current Psychotherapies, 6th Ed. Chapter 10, pp 303 – 339. Itasca, Ill: F. E. Peacock Publishers.
  • (2000). Dialogue, Psychotherapy, Will, & Cognition: A Response to Purcell-Lee. Gstalt-L. IV, 2. www/g-g.org/gej
  • (2000). Learning and Training in Gestalt Therapy: Response to Harris. British Gestalt Journal, IX, 1, 39 – 40.
  • (1999). Preface to the German edition of Awareness, Dialogue & Process. The Gestalt Journal, XXII, 1, 9-20.
  • (1999). Awareness, Dialog, Prozess: Wege zu einer relationalen Gestalttherapie. (Ways To A Relational Gestalt Therapy). Köln, Germany: Edition Humanistische Psychologie (EHP). German edition of (1993) Awareness, Dialogue and Process: Essays in Gestalt Therapy.
  • (1998). Processo, Diálogo e Awareness: Ensaios em Gestalt-Terapia. Sao Paulo, Brazil: Summus Editorial. Portuguese version of (1993) Awareness, Dialogue and Process: Essays in Gestalt Therapy.
  • (1998). Dialogic Gestalt Therapy. in L. Greenberg, G. Lietaer, & J. Watson (Eds.), Handbook of Experiential Psychotherapy. New York: Guilford Publications.
  • (1997, April). Democracy and Gestalt Therapy. Presentation at the 2nd Annual International Conference of the Association for the Advancement of Gestalt Therapy, San Francisco. In panel, Z. Friedman (Chair), Gestalt Community and Political Realities.
  • (1997). Relationship & Sense of Self in Gestalt Therapy Training. The Gestalt Journal, XX, 1, 17-48.
  • (1997). Supervision from a Gestalt therapy perspective. in C.E. Watkins (Ed.), Handbook of Psychotherapy Supervision. pp 147-163. New York: John Wiley & Sons.
  • (1996). Supervision from a Gestalt therapy perspective. British Gestalt Journal, V, 2, 92-102. (Full version in: (1997) Watkins.
  • (1996). Yontef, G. and Simkin, J. Gestalt Therapy. Nordiska Gestalt Journalen, 5, March 1996, pp. 25-35. Republish from Corsini, R. and Wedding, D. (Eds.). Current Psychotherapies, 4th Ed. (Part 1; Part 2 in press).
  • (1996). Proceso y Diálogo en Psicoterapia Gestáltica. Santiago, Chile: Quatro Vientos Editorial. Spanish version of (1993) Awareness, Dialogue and Process: Essays in Gestalt Therapy.
  • (1996). Shame and Guilt in Gestalt Therapy: Theory and Practice. in R. Lee and G. Wheeler (Eds.), The Voice of Shame: Silence and Connection in Psychotherapy . pp. 351-380. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
  • (1995). Gestalt Therapy. in A. Gurman and S. Messer (Eds.), Essential Psychotherapies: Theory and Practice. pp 261-303. New York: Guilford Publications.
  • (1994). Review of Fritz Perls (by Clarkson & Mackewn). Contemporary Psychology, 39, 10. 948.
  • (1994). Dialogue, Self and Therapy: A Reply to Beaumont. British Gestalt Journal, III, 1, 26-29.
  • (1992). Response to Wheeler.The Gestalt Journal, XV, 2, 134-140.
  • (1992). Considering Gestalt Reconsidered: A Review in Depth. The Gestalt Journal, XV, 1, 95-118.
  • (1991). Techniques and Strategy. British Gestalt Journal, I, 2, 114-115.
  • (1991). Recent Trends In Gestalt Therapy In The U.S. And What We Need To Learn From Them. British Gestalt Journal, I, 1, 5-20. Also in (1993) Awareness, Dialogue and Process: Essays in Gestalt Therapy.
  • (1990). Interview. in R. Harman (Ed.), Gestalt Therapy Discussions with the Masters. Springfield, Illinois: Charles C. Thomas.
  • (1990). Gestalt Therapy in Groups. In Kutash, I. and Wolf, A. (Eds.). Group Psychotherapist’s Handbook. New York: Columbia University Press.
  • (1989). Yontef, G. and Simkin, J. Gestalt Therapy. In Corsini, R. and Wedding, D. (Eds.). Current Psychotherapies, 4th Ed. Ithasca, Ill: F. E. Peacock Publishers. In Also in (1993) Awareness, Dialogue and Process: Essays in Gestalt Therapy.
  • (1988). Comments on ‘Boundary Processes and Boundary States’. The Gestalt Journal, XI, 2, 25 -36.
  • (1988). Assimilating Diagnostic and Psychoanalytic Perspectives into Gestalt Therapy. The Gestalt Journal, XI, 1, 5-32. Also in (1993) Awareness, Dialogue and Process: Essays in Gestalt Therapy.
  • (1987). Gestalt Therapy 1986: A Polemic. The Gestalt Journal, X, 1, 41-68.
  • (1984). Simkin, J. and Yontef, G. Gestalt Therapy. In Corsini, R. (Ed.). Current Psychotherapies, 3rd Ed. Ithasca, Ill: Peacock Publishers.
  • (1984). Why I Became a Gestalt Therapist: Goodbye to Jim Simkin. in Resnick, R. and Yontef, G. (Eds.), Memorial Festschrift (for Jim Simkin). L.A.: Gestalt Therapy Institute of Los Angeles. Also in (1993) Awareness, Dialogue and Process: Essays in Gestalt Therapy.
  • (1984). Modes of Thinking in Gestalt Therapy. The Gestalt Journal, VII, 1, 33-74. Also in
  • (1993) Awareness, Dialogue and Process: Essays in Gestalt Therapy.
  • (1984). Gestalt Therapy: Clinical Phenomenology. #7, Documents de l’institut de Gestalt, Bordeaux. (French).
  • (1984). Gestalt Therapy: Its Inheritance from Gestalt Psychology). Psihijatrija Danas, XVI, 1:31-46. Serbo-Croatian.
  • (1983). The Self in Gestalt Therapy: Reply to Tobin. The Gestalt Journal, VI, I, 55-70. Also in
  • (1993) Awareness, Dialogue and Process: Essays in Gestalt Therapy.
  • (1983). Gestalttherapie als dialogische Methode. Integrative Therapie, 9, Jg. Heft 2/3, 98-130. (First circulated 1981 as unpublished paper: Gestalt Therapy: A Dialogic Method). In English in (1993) Awareness, Dialogue and Process: Essay in Gestalt Therapy.
  • (1982). Gestalt Therapy: Its Inheritance from Gestalt Psychology. Gestalt Theory. IV, 1/2, 23-39. (abstract in German). Also in (1993) Awareness, Dialogue and Process: Essays in Gestalt Therapy; (1984, Serbo-Croatian).
  • (1981). Gestalt Therapy: A Dialogic Method. Unpublished paper. (Published 1983).
    (1981). Mediocrity and Excellence: An Identity Crisis in Gestalt Therapy. ERIC/CAPS, University of Michigan, Ed. 214,062. Delivered 1981 at the annual meeting of the American Psychiatric Association.
  • (1981). The Future of Gestalt Therapy: A Symposium. w/ Perls, L., Polster, M., Zinker, J., and Miller, M. V. The Gestalt Journal, IV, 1, 3 – 18.
    (1979). Gestalt Therapy: Clinical Phenomenology. The Gestalt Journal, 2 (1), pp 27-45. A shortened version of this article appears as a chapter in (1976) Modern Therapies, (V. Binder, A. Binder, & B. Rimland (Eds.). New York: Prentice-Hall..
  • (1977). Gestalt Therapy: Clinical Phenomenology. Psihijatrija Danas, IV, 401 – 418. (Serbo-Croatian).
  • (1976). Theory of gestalt therapy. In C. Hatcher & P. Himelstein (Eds.). The Handbook of Gestalt Therapy. New York: Aronson. Pp 215-221.
  • (1976). Gestalt Therapy: Clinical Phenomenology. In V. Binder, A. Binder, and B. Rimland (Eds.), Modern Therapies. New York: Prentice-Hall. Also in (1993) Awareness, Dialogue and Process: Essays in Gestalt Therapy; (1977, Serbo-Croatian); (1979, The Gestalt Journal); (1984, French).
  • (1975). A Review of the Practice of Gestalt Therapy. In Stephenson, F.D. (Ed.), Gestalt Therapy Primer. Springfield, Illinois: C. Thomas. Also in (1993) Awareness, Dialogue and Process: Essays in Gestalt Therapy.
  • (1971). A Review of the practice of Gestalt Therapy. Los Angeles: The Trident Shop.
  • (1969). A Review of the practice of Gestalt Therapy. University of Arizona, graduation requirement. Published in 1971 and 1975.

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Armin Baier
L.C.S.W., J.D.

Ren Barnebey

Christine Campbell
M.F.T., A.T.R.

Lynne Jacobs

Michelle Seely

Gary Yontef
Ph.D., A.B.P.P.

Pacific Gestalt Institute

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